Custom Smilies

Update: 2009.10.25 00:30

The latest release is version 2.8. You can find it here.

最新版本是 2.8。你可以在这里找到

About It

Custom Smilies (previously named Custom Smileys) is a plugin for WordPress 2.0+. This plugin gives you a chance to personalize your posts and comments using smilies of your choice instead of default ones.

Custom Smilies (older than version  2.0) is written by QAD. Thanks for his great contribution.

I have upgrade it to let it been compatible with WordPress 2.5 or greater. That’s all I do, but I will perfect it in the future. So the most is written by QAD. Thanks again.

You can see the English Readme and more here ( new window) .


You can get the latest version of Custom Smilies here. Get it
How to install

  1. Download and extract; then, upload init.php and custom-smilies.php to the /wp-content/plugins/custom-smilies directory. Upload smilies folder to the /wp-includes/images directory..
  2. Activate Custom Smilies in your Admin Panel
  3. Put your smilies in smilies folder (wp-includes/images/smilies/)
  4. Change the emoticons by navigating to Manage > Smilies and complete the form
  5. If you want to add clickable smilies to your comment form, append these lines to your current theme’s comments.php file, just before the form begins(You don’t need do this if your theme suppor the action named comment_form since version 2.3):<?php if ( function_exists(cs_print_smilies) ) {cs_print_smilies();} ?>

For ‘Paged Comments’ plugin’s users: Please place that code in wp-content/plugins/paged-comments/themes/your-theme-name/comments-paged.php to enable those clickable smilies.Please note that you can customize this list by going to Options > Smilies.Wanna play with the smilies yourself? A function called cs_all_smilies() has been added, which return all the smilies you’ve got in this format: Array (’Smilie’ => ‘Path to smilie’)

How to upgrade

For Custom Smilies 1.0 and 1.1 users, simply replace the file custom-smilies.php in your plugins folder with the newer one. Do NOT overwrite init.php, as it contains your smilies’ definitions.

For those who are still using Custom Smileys version 2.4 (which was released more than 1 year ago!), you can upgrade it to the lastest version by following this procedure:

  1. Backup your database! (better safe than sorry – i’m not responsible for any data loss caused by this plugin)
  2. Move all of your smilies to your smilies folder (wp-includes/images/smilies/)
  3. Deactivate Custom Smileys 2.4 without uninstalling it
  4. Download, extract, then upload Custom Smilies 1.0 to your blog
  5. Activate Custom Smilies 1.0 in your Admin Panel
  6. Delete custom-smileys.php if you wish


Custom Smilies 是一个 WordPress 插件。它可以让你自由地在你的文章和评论中使用表情来代替默认的表情。

我(Crazy Loong)修改了以前的版本,使它可以工作在 WordPress 2.5 下。


Custom Smilies 2.0 是我(Crazy Loong)更新的。2.0以前的版本是由 QAD 编写的。

安装 Custom Smilies 后,你可以把自己需要的表情添加到 WordPress 的表情文件夹里(wp-includes/images/smilies/),然后在 Manage > Smilies 里添加表情对应的字符。非常简单哦。

设置好以后,这些表情就可以在任何文章、页面和评论里使用了。例如,当你输入 :D, :), :|(你可以自己定义这些符号)时,就会在文章出现对应的表情。或者,通过在点击相应的图标来插入到文章中。




———- TODO ———-

Check whether init.php is writeable.

检查 init.php 是否可写。

Move the smilies folder into wp-content

将 smilies 文件夹移动到 wp-content

compliance to W3C specifications

符合 W3C 规范

451 thoughts on “Custom Smilies”

  1. in comment no. 4 you mentioned to include multiple inputs for the same smilie….any news on this?
    otherwise: love the plugin!!

  2. To: treb
    I have not finished it, because I have find the reason to add it. If you have the requirement, please tell me.

  3. I installed the plugin, but I cannot click on the smiles. Appart from that they are appearing in a long line instead of next to each other. Any help? You can look at the example on my blog.

    Thanks in advance

  4. To: Kate
    Because your theme set the img element as block, you must add the code as the following,

    img.wp-smiley-select {display: inline;}

    to the CSS file.

  5. Thanks a lot! They’re now all next to each other, but when I click on them, they still do not appear in the textarea. Anything I can do about that?

  6. Hi!

    Thx for this plug-in very nice!

    But i have a small problem: smiles are clickages with IE7 correctly but not with Firefox! i dont understand why! I have no javascrip problem

    I iried the solution 106 but nothing new. Do you have an idea?

    PS: Sorry for my bad english i’m french. :hehe:

  7. Yes!! Thanks a lot! That’s ok now!

    It was that so simple I’m ashamed!

    Thx again! :hehe:

  8. The CSS and JavaScript for this plugin is not added to the head tag but added before the smilies. This resulted in validation issues. Can you please edit it such that those codes are attached inside the head tag instead of being in the middle of the page?

    And is it possible to arrange the ordering of the smilies?

    Thanks 🙂

  9. Hi!

    i have custom smiles in one site and want to use them on another one.

    Any way to do that or I will have to define again the customized ones for the new site?

    Thanks and congrats on the excelent plugin

  10. To: Marcelo

    I have planed to add the function in the next version.

    Now, you can do it in this way,

    1. Export the option table to SQL from your old site.
    2. Open the SQL file, delete all data except the rows whose option_name is ‘clcs_smilies’ or option_name is ‘clcs_options’.
    3. Input the SQL to the option table in the new site.

  11. Thanks so much for maintaining this plugin. It is working fine in my comments, but in my new entry screen it doesn’t seem to show up at all when I hover over a blank box it says “Add Smilie”, but when I click it nothing happens. Hoping you might help.

  12. Some of my own icon smiles are not shown on my site and also there are twice shown on my site

    Could you my help, please

    Thank you

  13. Yes! succes with me

    I have a question
    How can I to move the icon smiles from bottom to above the comment?

    Thank you

    Love this plugin

  14. Hi,
    i’ve translated your plugin in French. Could you contact me by mail, by the way i can transmit to you the translations files 😉
    Good work for the plugin.



  15. 请问这个问题怎么回事?
    Warning: opendir(../wp-includes/images/smilies) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: Result too large in C:\xampplite\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\custom-smilies-se\ on line 269

  16. The plugin work really well but there is one bug with the newest wordpress version ( 2.7.1 ) The smilie-tag is not coming to the textfield when i click on a smilie. do you know why? my textfield has the name & id “comment” is there something else what there should be? please heeeelp! thanks!

  17. To: Dani
    Because there are two tags with the same ID “comment”, you must change the textarea’s ID in your theme and the option “The name of the input box for comment” in background.

  18. Hi, I’ve just download and used your wonderful plug-in (the lastest), but I have a problem. I can only use custom-smile in Dashboard – Quick Press. When I want to use function Add New Post, I can’t click onto smiles-emoticon to add them into my writing. Otherwise, Smiles appear in my comment form, but other user and I cannot use them by clicking, but it’s done if I insert the text (ex 😀 😛 >:D)
    Help me, plz
    Btw : I’ve tried to fix that by
    replacing id=”respond” to id=”comment” ( in comments.php) but nothing change T__T

  19. Tks so much for your plug-in, I’ve just fix this by the way you figured our for Dani :D. But there is another problem :P. All smiles apprear after my entry T__T. And anothers appear after comment form :D. Can you help me ^^

  20. Tks so much. I’ll guide my friend to use your plug-in. You don’t mind if I import RSS of your blog to my site ^o^ ???

  21. 你好:

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