
喜欢 WordPress,希望和大家交流。

我的联系方式:crazyloong@gmail.com ( gtalk和gmail )

50 thoughts on “关于”

  1. wo shi nimen tuandui d chaoji fans,dangran wp d youdian na zhen bushi gai d ,zuizhongyao d shi yinwei you nimen zhexie erxue pengbo d ren kaifa ta,wo xiangxin ta yiding hui you guangkuo d fazhang qianjing d ,haha,wo ai ni .

  2. 想问问侧边栏的最受欢迎文章、最新评论是如何实现的呢?另外我想将其移到文章末尾,就像水煮鱼那样,不知道该怎么弄呢?盼望帮助。

  3. 你好,你说我的网站http://niaolei.org.cn花了30s才打开,问题真的很严重。我想请教下,你是在什么网络?

  4. 我也喜欢wp,能详细请教一下,怎么自定义评论样式,及评论结构吗,看过一些教程,还是没了解… :dsadasccc: thinks

  5. 我网站安装的WordPress.org程序 现在登录网站后台现在账户和密码错误 一直上不去 是怎么回事啊

  6. 楼主~~WordPress 3.1.4更新了Custom Smilies到2.9.2后html模式可以插入表情,可视化模式反倒不能自动插入了OTL……

  7. Hi, momentarily all smiles are Case Sensitive which diminishes the efficiency of this wonderful plugin!

    For example, if I have a smiley set to appear on :p and a commenter types 😛 instead of :p the text won’t be converted into a smiley, and will appear just as text in the comment.

    Please fix this BUG, or if some people do not consider this to be a bug and they consider it to be a benefit, then please just add one little check box in the plugin’s settings with the following function:
    “Disable Case Sensitive For Smileys?”

    I thank you for this great plugin! You’ve done a great work with it, it is the best!

    I hope you’ll take my request into consideration.


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