Custom Smilies

Update: 2009.10.25 00:30

The latest release is version 2.8. You can find it here.

最新版本是 2.8。你可以在这里找到

About It

Custom Smilies (previously named Custom Smileys) is a plugin for WordPress 2.0+. This plugin gives you a chance to personalize your posts and comments using smilies of your choice instead of default ones.

Custom Smilies (older than version  2.0) is written by QAD. Thanks for his great contribution.

I have upgrade it to let it been compatible with WordPress 2.5 or greater. That’s all I do, but I will perfect it in the future. So the most is written by QAD. Thanks again.

You can see the English Readme and more here ( new window) .


You can get the latest version of Custom Smilies here. Get it
How to install

  1. Download and extract; then, upload init.php and custom-smilies.php to the /wp-content/plugins/custom-smilies directory. Upload smilies folder to the /wp-includes/images directory..
  2. Activate Custom Smilies in your Admin Panel
  3. Put your smilies in smilies folder (wp-includes/images/smilies/)
  4. Change the emoticons by navigating to Manage > Smilies and complete the form
  5. If you want to add clickable smilies to your comment form, append these lines to your current theme’s comments.php file, just before the form begins(You don’t need do this if your theme suppor the action named comment_form since version 2.3):<?php if ( function_exists(cs_print_smilies) ) {cs_print_smilies();} ?>

For ‘Paged Comments’ plugin’s users: Please place that code in wp-content/plugins/paged-comments/themes/your-theme-name/comments-paged.php to enable those clickable smilies.Please note that you can customize this list by going to Options > Smilies.Wanna play with the smilies yourself? A function called cs_all_smilies() has been added, which return all the smilies you’ve got in this format: Array (’Smilie’ => ‘Path to smilie’)

How to upgrade

For Custom Smilies 1.0 and 1.1 users, simply replace the file custom-smilies.php in your plugins folder with the newer one. Do NOT overwrite init.php, as it contains your smilies’ definitions.

For those who are still using Custom Smileys version 2.4 (which was released more than 1 year ago!), you can upgrade it to the lastest version by following this procedure:

  1. Backup your database! (better safe than sorry – i’m not responsible for any data loss caused by this plugin)
  2. Move all of your smilies to your smilies folder (wp-includes/images/smilies/)
  3. Deactivate Custom Smileys 2.4 without uninstalling it
  4. Download, extract, then upload Custom Smilies 1.0 to your blog
  5. Activate Custom Smilies 1.0 in your Admin Panel
  6. Delete custom-smileys.php if you wish


Custom Smilies 是一个 WordPress 插件。它可以让你自由地在你的文章和评论中使用表情来代替默认的表情。

我(Crazy Loong)修改了以前的版本,使它可以工作在 WordPress 2.5 下。


Custom Smilies 2.0 是我(Crazy Loong)更新的。2.0以前的版本是由 QAD 编写的。

安装 Custom Smilies 后,你可以把自己需要的表情添加到 WordPress 的表情文件夹里(wp-includes/images/smilies/),然后在 Manage > Smilies 里添加表情对应的字符。非常简单哦。

设置好以后,这些表情就可以在任何文章、页面和评论里使用了。例如,当你输入 :D, :), :|(你可以自己定义这些符号)时,就会在文章出现对应的表情。或者,通过在点击相应的图标来插入到文章中。




———- TODO ———-

Check whether init.php is writeable.

检查 init.php 是否可写。

Move the smilies folder into wp-content

将 smilies 文件夹移动到 wp-content

compliance to W3C specifications

符合 W3C 规范

451 thoughts on “Custom Smilies”

  1. Please please add the Switch for whether to display the Smilies above/below my comment form automatically, OR to let me use the old PHP function method. I want to use the PHP. Each time I upgrade this plugin, it over-writes my change on line 368 or whatever. :dsadas:

  2. 你好,我设置的插件在后台”添加文章”中可以使用,但在前台用户评论中点击表情,输入框内没任何反应,请问什么原因?

  3. to:Crazy Loong


  4. To: 爱哭鬼


  5. To:Crazy Loong

  6. “To: Dgold
    I have add the swtich to the next version which will be released in the near future.”

    Nice to hear, one of the reasons for coming here again 😉

    The next thing, as a future request. Can you make it possible to save the custom smilies in wp-/content/smilies/ ? It would be more in the flavor of 2.7 and auto updates where you put everything you like to save in /wp-content/ 🙂

  7. 為甚麼在新增文章後, 再按Smilies的圖像按制, 彈出的畫面是空白, 而沒有表情符號? 我已經設置了自定媥碼.

  8. The “clickable smilies” aren’t clickable in comments. Any ideas why this might be?

    Also, is there any way to rearrange the order that the smilies appear, in both the visual editor and the comment section? I ask because I have smilies with numbers in them, and I’d like them to appear numerically, if possible.

  9. To: Kris
    Please check your the id of textarea in comments.php.

    And, there is no way to rearrange the order easily, because I have code it. I will consider it. :hehe:

  10. To Crazy Loong
    我找到了原因, 可能是在genlist.js.php 裏的 javascript variable “smilies_list” 長度有限制, 當我使用200張表情符號, 而每張也是大約10字代碼和檔案名稱, 就會出錯… 請問可否改寫不將所有的圖像連結放在同一variable裏嗎?

  11. To Crazy Loong
    我把genlist.js.php裏的第69行, 由
    <a href=\”javascript:SmiliesDialog.insert(”);\”><img src=\”\” border=\”0\” alt=\”smilies\” title=\”smilies\” />\
    <a href=\”javascript:SmiliesDialog.insert(”);\”><img src=\”\”/>\

    便可列出表情, 估計是Javascript variable 也會有長度限制吧.

  12. “Please check your the id of textarea in comments.php.”

    Ok – but what am I checking it for? 🙂

    I’m not sure what I’m looking for.

  13. Hi,
    I am using your plugin on a site but I was trying to get the smilies posted above the comment box with no such luck yet.

    I’ve looked for “You can remove the line 368 in for25.php, so it will be the same as 2.2.” but I am using WP version 2.7 and there is not that many lines in either for25 or for27.php

    I’d like to just use the php code so I can place the plugin where ever I’d like to match the custom theme. How can I go about doing this? :dsadas:

  14. I got it. I did not see the button to stop the automatic insertion of the smilies.

    Thanks! ^O^

  15. 在comments.php文件里添加“”后,所有客人评论都要审核才能发表,不知为什么?我在后台没有选择审核评论。

  16. Crazy Loong老大你好
    我也出现了IE系可以使用 FF无效的情况,不过我的FORM ID貌似就是comment啊?
    有空能帮忙看一小下么?万谢~ :hehe:

  17. Hello, I can’t find any init.php file in the zipfile. 🙂
    Can you tell me where it is…

    I love the plugin but can’t show the smilies in my posts and I don’t find the init.php file anywhere I got custom-smilies.php but not the init.php.

    thanks for a great plugin and I hope I can use it too. 🙂


  18. 都过这么久了 肯定解决了么 =。=
    事实是 我的form id是极其诡异的”words”…
    谢谢啦 插件很好用 希望添加更多自定义选项

  19. My custom smiley can’t write in my blog comment. PLeas check my blog . I look message in custom-smiley.php there say $message = ” . __(‘init.php is not writeable or nonexistent, so Custom Smilies is not available. If init.php is nonexistent, please create it in ‘ . CLCSABSPATH . ‘ and make it writable.’, ‘custom_smilies’) . ”;
    add_action(‘admin_notices’, create_function( ”, “echo ‘$message’;” ) );


    So what can i do to make writeable & nonexistent ???
    Thanks before u solution as soon as posible :hehe:

  20. I try to download custom smiley 2.6 but my IDM say that file its not full to download. How size file custom smiley 2.6 ??? and then i dont have smilies folder in file…. :dsadas: pleas help me ASAPI thanks b4 ( sorry if my language english so bad )

  21. I use custom smiley 2.1 in wordpress 2.7 but in my comment custom….can’t use to comment smiley :dsadas: so how????

  22. Hello,

    Custom Smilies in the Dashboard causes server overload in Firefox. Just got suspended a few hours ago after clicking twice on the smiley link in dashboard.
    2 clicks and viola! suspended right away.
    Would be great if you could fix it. probably a bug or something.

  23. Thanks be4 that u response in my questions :ooo:
    u say “The textarea in response form have no ID. You must add it.” where i must add it??? where is the response form??? thanks again b4

  24. To: Mohammad Musavi
    I have not found the problem. I will test it again.

    To: ahm3dmax
    The code is in comments.php. Change

    textarea rows=”12″ cols=”42″ name=”comment”


    textarea rows=”12″ cols=”42″ name=”comment” id=”comment”

  25. Dear sirs,
    I want to change smile Icons, but I don’t know where I can download the Icon as you show here, so could you tell me where can I download smile icons.

  26. Hello, Your plugin is great, but how do I add the smiley form to the comment form just like under here?

    So people can click on the smilies…

  27. 你好!很喜欢你的这个plugin!
    请问如何给smilie排序?感觉似乎不是按照文件名称排序的。 :dsadas:

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