表情插件 Custom Smilies 2.6

Download: get it here.



– Version 2.6:
+ Fixed: Modify management link.(only for 2.7)
+ Added: Switch to use the action named comment_form.
+ Added: Italian. Translated by [Gianni Diurno](http://gidibao.net “gidibao.net”).
+ Added: Custom the size of The popup window which contains the smilies list.
+ Added: Custom the id of the comment textarea.
+ Added: Cursor on the smilies.
+ Added: Smilies for QuickPress in Dashboard.
+ Added: Smilies for Reply to Comment in the background.
+ Added: Smilies for Edit Comment in the background.

75 thoughts on “表情插件 Custom Smilies 2.6”

  1. Hello, I already used a former version of your plugin. Now I just downloaded version 2.6 and found the same problem as mentioned above, the smilies cannot be clicked if you don’t use the visual editor. So as you said you would fix it in two days, when can we start counting? 😉

  2. Hi, i can’t seem to change the name in the settings > smilies. Everytime I hit “Update”, all names are gone! Like I have to type their smiley names again.

    My version of wordpress is 2.7.1. Something wrong about it? I uploaded the whole folder custom-smilies-se at wp-content/plugins.


  3. To: Barbara
    It’s regretful. I am busy at this time. So I cant finish it in time. But I will fix it as soon as possible. Thanks.

  4. I added new smilies.. but cant update the unidentified smilies… :dsadas: whats wrong??

  5. I use WP 2.7 and Custom Smilies 2.6.
    But I can’t see the smilies box on the write page. Only when i use WYSIWYG editor. Please update T-T

  6. To: 저요
    I am doing it, but there are some problem. When I fix it, I will release the new one.

    To: Jays
    Thanks for your video.
    Could you tell me your MySQL and PHP version?

  7. To: Barbara and ibuffalo
    Now you can try the latest version 2.7. :hehe:
    But I find MCEComment have some problems in IE, do you find that?

  8. To: Crazy Loong
    thanks a lot. Great work. I knew the good news from wp’s auto update. I give up MCEComment now. I use comment tag now. it works well with your plugin. you are kind of updating your plugins. :hehe:

  9. 谢谢,这样留言就比较生动了,可惜,自己的留言居然还没!!哎! :dsadas:

  10. 我在本地调试我的wordpress,发现现在在评论那里能够看到表情,但是点击表情不会插入到评论框。后台编写文章的时候点击表情就可以插入 请问这是怎么回事呢?

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