表情插件 Custom Smilies 2.6

Download: get it here.



– Version 2.6:
+ Fixed: Modify management link.(only for 2.7)
+ Added: Switch to use the action named comment_form.
+ Added: Italian. Translated by [Gianni Diurno](http://gidibao.net “gidibao.net”).
+ Added: Custom the size of The popup window which contains the smilies list.
+ Added: Custom the id of the comment textarea.
+ Added: Cursor on the smilies.
+ Added: Smilies for QuickPress in Dashboard.
+ Added: Smilies for Reply to Comment in the background.
+ Added: Smilies for Edit Comment in the background.

75 thoughts on “表情插件 Custom Smilies 2.6”

  1. I upgraded the plugin today, and it crashed my Single Post pages.

    Does not work right. I had to deactivate to get my Posts to show again.

    Before this update it was working ok.

    What happened?

  2. 太好了,这个版本确实解决了偶的wp2.7下编辑菜单里框内容空白的问题了。而且不少地方也 得到了完善~~再接再厉哈~~

  3. 為甚麼在新增文章後, 再按Smilies的圖像按制, 彈出的畫面是空白, 而沒有表情符號? 我已經設置了自定代碼.

  4. 在FF3.1 B2中发表日志点击表情图标弹不出表情,但在后台控制面板中的快速发表日志那正常

  5. 发表框也是,图片媒体那里的点不开,以前的编辑工具栏可以。

  6. 為什麼把安裝方法寫得那麼複雜? :dsadas:
    我用WP 2.7 ,其實只需要download zip後,把目錄解壓至plugin folder下,再active plugin已經可以使用…


  7. 不是啊,发评论的时候没有表情了。

  8. To: Sivan

  9. 原来是这样=。=改好了,那个工具图标我这不能使,不过没关系,可以用以前那个,嘿嘿。

  10. Fatal error: Cannot redeclare clcs_activate() (previously declared in /home/abttong/public_html/wp-content/plugins/custom-smilies-se/custom-smilies.php:137) in /home/abttong/public_html/wp-content/plugins/custom-smilies-se/custom-smilies.php on line 168

  11. 发表文章和页面文章只能显示一个表情,第2个就只能显示代码,图片参考http://www.lesfriends.cn/xs.jpg

  12. 我是使用wp2.7 安裝了Custom Smilies 2.6 ,在訪客的comment可以正常使用,但是到了後台,我要在文章中插入Smiles時,按了插入的按鈕,卻彈出空白的選單,我還特地弄了個新的資料庫,沒安裝其他的插件,所以應該不是衝突的關係,請問原因出在哪?

  13. 我後來發現,只要變動過預設的代碼,就會導致後台的insert smiles 出現空白,之後就算重新安裝插件,也是出現空白選單,必須重新安裝WP2.7才會正常

  14. 好奇怪!! 新增smiles 也會導致 後台insert smiles 出現空白 ,只有我有這個問題嗎??

  15. I’d like to use two instances of this plugin on my blog. Is that possible? And which files/lines would I have to change to be able to do that?

  16. hi,
    smilies can be clicked in “quick press”, but not in writing articles, only when wysiwyg is activated. i dont use wysiwyg so cant i use plugin?

  17. i download the erlier version and get init.php file there, but I can still not get it work with my own smilies..


  18. 请问是否和MCEComments冲突。我现在安装了MCEComments插件,再使用CS,就不能点击插入表情图标了,请问有没有解决办法?有一个表情插件叫TSE,现在和MCEComments兼容了,不过那个插件提供的表情太多,又小,不考虑使用。很想用你这个。

  19. 那就热切盼望着兼容MCEComments的下个版本的CS了,不知什么时候可以完成?mg12的HighSlider4WP其实也是很不错的,但是他不准备为兼容MCEComments而努力了。我们就全指望你了。:) 祝成功。
    I am looking forward to your next version of Custom smiley which will co-work with MCEComments. Mg12’s HighSlider4WP won’t do so. I wish your good luck. Thx.

  20. is it just a small thing to change for work without wysiwyg? could i change code myself?

  21. To:ibuffalo
    还是双语的。 :hehe:

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