表情插件 Custom Smilies 2.5

Custom Smilies (previously named Custom Smileys) is a plugin for WordPress 2.0+. This plugin gives you a chance to personalize your posts and comments using smilies of your choice instead of default ones.

Custom Smilies 是一个 WordPress 插件。它可以让你自由地在你的文章和评论中使用表情来代替默认的表情。

The latest is 2.5. You can get it here.

最新版本是 2.5。你可以在这里得到它

You can find more infomation about Custom Smilies here.

你可以在这里(点击查看)得到更多 Custom Smilies 的使用方法和说明。

Note: You can get Italian package from here.


Fix a JS error in IE.


表情插件 Custom Smilies 2.2

[Update @ 2008.11.6]There is a serious logical bug in 2.2. So please upgrade to 2.3.

[Update @ 2008.11.6]2.2 存在一个严重的逻辑错误。请尽快升级到2.3。

Custom Smilies (previously named Custom Smileys) is a plugin for WordPress 2.0+. This plugin gives you a chance to personalize your posts and comments using smilies of your choice instead of default ones.

Custom Smilies 是一个 WordPress 插件。它可以让你自由地在你的文章和评论中使用表情来代替默认的表情。

The latest is 2.2. You can get it here.

最新版本是 2.2。你可以在这里得到它

You can find more infomation about Custom Smilies here.

你可以在这里(点击查看)得到更多 Custom Smilies 的使用方法和说明。

Continue reading 表情插件 Custom Smilies 2.2

WordPress 插件开发小技巧之为插件添加快捷键

版权声明:原创文章,转载请注明出处,Crazy Loong(http://goto8848.net)



注意其中的红色方框部分。看见了?这就是我说的快捷方式(其实我也不知道叫什么,就这么叫了 ^O^ )。这样的话,用户激活插件后,就不用再到管理界面里去找设置了,直接点击这里就可以到相应的地方了。

接下来,重点就是怎么添加它了。这里,要使用到一个叫“plugin_action_links”的hook,位于wp-admin/plugins.php的274行。$action_links = apply_filters('plugin_action_links', $action_links, $plugin_file, $plugin_data, $context);

下面是我添加的一个例子 Continue reading WordPress 插件开发小技巧之为插件添加快捷键

Custom Smilies 2.0

[Update at 2008.11.6] This is not the latest. If you want to get the latest one, please visit http://goto8848.net/projects/custom-smilies/ .

这里不是最新版本。如果你想得到最新版本,请访问 http://goto8848.net/projects/custom-smilies/

文章太长,点击进入浏览(click to see the whole post)。中文在下面。这是一个表情插件。

About It

Custom Smilies (previously named Custom Smileys) is a plugin for WordPress 2.0+. This plugin gives you a chance to personalize your posts and comments using smilies of your choice instead of default ones.

Custom Smilies (older than version  2.0) is written by QAD. Thanks for his great contribution.

The lastest version is 2.0. I have upgrade it to let it been compatible with WordPress 2.5 or greater. That’s all I do, but I will perfect it in the future. So the most is written by QAD. Thanks him again.

You can see the English Readme and more here ( new window) .


You can get the latest version of Custom Smilies here. Get it
Continue reading Custom Smilies 2.0