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表情插件 Custom Smilies 2.2

[Update @ 2008.11.6]There is a serious logical bug in 2.2. So please upgrade to 2.3.

[Update @ 2008.11.6]2.2 存在一个严重的逻辑错误。请尽快升级到2.3。

Custom Smilies (previously named Custom Smileys) is a plugin for WordPress 2.0+. This plugin gives you a chance to personalize your posts and comments using smilies of your choice instead of default ones.

Custom Smilies 是一个 WordPress 插件。它可以让你自由地在你的文章和评论中使用表情来代替默认的表情。

The latest is 2.2. You can get it here.

最新版本是 2.2。你可以在这里得到它

You can find more infomation about Custom Smilies here.

你可以在这里(点击查看)得到更多 Custom Smilies 的使用方法和说明。

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