117 thoughts on “表情插件 Custom Smilies 2.7”

  1. 不清楚,之前下载过来的确写着是2.7,覆盖之后仍然是2.6,后来wordpress才提示说升级,然后就升到2.7了。。。嘛,现在没问题就好啦

  2. 我用的是Dean’s FCKEditor For WordPress,不能插入,有办法吗?或者替换掉FCKEditor的表情?

  3. 好东西,不过我跟10楼的问题一样,呵呵

    方便换一下链接吗?我的小站已经加你链接了。 ^O^

  4. 邪了门了,为什么我用不了啊,默认主题都用不了呢

  5. 我改了代码能用了,我还想问,那个宽度如何定义啊?

  6. 就是表情的宽度,我的显示两排,如果只显示一部分是不是就在image里头删了其他的表情啊?

  7. 其实我比较喜欢洋葱头和兔斯基的表情,不过没有操作好,也就没有安装成功。

  8. To: erdao

    话说,贱鱼和我还不认识的时候,这个主题就被我们俩选中了。 ^O^

  9. Hello,

    I’m using the last version of WP and when i use your plugin i can’t click on them, i tried firefox and IE7.

    How can i fix it?

    Thank you

  10. 我用了,直接把文件夹放在插件目录中,在后台启动一下就可以了。非常好用,我想问的是,怎样在评论框中使用这个插件呢。或者说博主的评论的表情怎么实现的呢?谢谢!!

  11. 上面的问题已经解决,我在编辑页面勾了一个选项就可以了! :dsadsad: 就是我表情之间距离太大了,还有一个问题,在这里请教一下:rss评论怎么点击是代码呢?

  12. 为什么升级了插件之后,评论框里面的表情点击就没用了呢?要不要去我的博客看看是怎么回事?谢谢了!

  13. Does it work on WP 2.8??
    I tested it on localhost and give me:

    Warning: preg_replace_callback() [function.preg-replace-callback]: Unknown modifier '|' in C:\xampp\htdocs\test\wp-includes\formatting.php on line 1347

    Then, when I deactivate this plugin everything goes normal again.

    PS: No problem on WP 2.7.1

  14. It dose not work properly with 2.8. Getting the same error as Adit on two diffrent installations. Maybe there are some additional restrictions in using shortcodes for smilies in 2.8?

  15. Forgot to mention that it is if your using “/” in a smilies shortcode the error occurs. (Maybe you already got that)

  16. So, I have the same error as Adit, I tried everything so far: deactivate the plug-in, change the shortcodes and even re-uploading the plug-in. Any ideas? :dsadas:

  17. I got the same problem, but I managed to fix it.
    I did what Mattias said.

    Changed the emoticons with “/” to something else. 😀

  18. Is there anyway to rearrange the emoticons?
    I mean I have different kinds of emoticons: mood/ heart / weather / food / etc..

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